What does it mean to live your life with purpose? RO

"Wear your rocks with meaning" RO  

So what does it mean to live your life with purpose? My personal experience of this pandemic has been a deep struggle like I am sure it has been for many of you. My turning point happened only once I connected back to why I make my jewellery.
I had to dig deep and get back to the love and passion of what I do. And I am glad I did.
My greatest passion is to inspire and empower women through my creativity. And certainly not by showing a ‘perfect’ life on social media – quite the opposite! For me, it is about being a voice and sharing my creativity that symbolises truth and authenticity of what it is actually like to live as a human being, especially during a pandemic.

‘Perfect’ – really isn’t inspiring. But ‘imperfect’ to me, really is. Because this is truth. And truth is freedom. Let’s celebrate life’s beautiful imperfections together.
Before I became a ‘business’ I was making jewellery to make me feel good about myself and my passion was to make rings that made women feel good about themselves too. So I set off on one of my gem hunts across India determined to make the most incredible collection of rings that really spoke to the hearts of women going through crazy, hard times. Rings that would remind them of their worth, their grandeur, their power.

I found purpose in my creativity and my own personal struggles. A new desire was born to inspire and impart hope and courage through unique and meaningful jewellery for women.

Growing is painful, this is life. But finding purpose in our creativity and personal challenges and connecting with each other is what makes us feel alive, no longer alone, and great again about our ‘imperfectly perfect’ lives.
The funny thing is we often think things are going ‘wrong’, but actually that is never the case. Life is just ‘imperfectly perfect’ at all times. And as the saying goes ‘no pain, no gain’.

Our greatest glory and true existence as a human being is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Like Mother Earth’s gemstones are formed from the earth’s crust under immense heat and pressure into glorious and resplendent beauty, so are we formed and tempered by challenging adversity to come out shining as indomitable, glistening diamonds.

Nature is always teaching us and saying “Trust. You are the process. You are the rock. You are the magic. You are the indomitable diamond.”