Tender Mission



  • Purpose: Rosie Odette's purpose is to create beautiful, and timeless jewellery connecting the wearer to their personal power, humanity, and inner beauty. To inspire that we all have the potential to blossom, regardless of our story, background, or personal suffering.
  • Vision: Rosie Odette's vision is to create a movement of female empowerment and female equality in society through jewellery.
  • Mission: Rosie Odette's mission, in support of Tender, is to educate young people in schools across Britain about healthy relationships in order to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence.





Designed specifically in support of Tender; a charity focused on preventing domestic abuse and sexual violence through arts and education.

To support the cause, 25% of the sale price from the Acorn Charm Collection is paid to Tender, a registered charity (number 1100214) 

To discover more about our purpose-lead jewellery business and our amazing mission with Tender read our blog...