Exciting news at Rosie Odette Jewellery. The brilliant Jodie Kidd wearing our Limited Edition Electric Blue Kyanite Studs to The Pride Of Britain – tonight!
I feel super-chuffed as not only is Jodie Kidd a super-cool chick, a lot of my magpie time went into carefully hand selecting the best kyanite we could find, with the best fire - for the best occasions. At Rosie Odette it is all about the details. This is where the magic lies.
We carefully hand select our gems from the Pink City of Jaipur. Making sure we source the best natural materials so our brides can not only look fantastic on their special day, but that they know a whole journey has gone into their jewellery making their day and look even more personal.
And doesn’t Jodie Kidd look stunning. Proud all around. These beautiful earrings are stocked the gorgeous store Suzanne Neville in Knightsbridge, or you can purchase them on our website in Bridal Collection.