Look at these stunningly attractive rutile quartz, in black and gold. With a nice little rainbow moonstone number at the bottom. Just when I think I've had my fill, and got a full pouch of the best rocks of the best gems - something new pops up to exhilarate my creative senses and flutter my heart. The black rutile quartz is already taken.
She'll be cut into an oval facet gem, ready to be transformed into an exquisite, alternative engagement ring. You know me - I love an alternative engagement ring! So I am super-excited about making this piece. I of course have my eye on the faceted pear shaped golden one, she's got my name all over it! I think this will be my first sample of the golden rutile queen coming into the collection.
These are top quality rutile quartz, I have never seen such clear and good quality. I'm not sure I can get hold of this quality again. Hmm. Watch this space for some Rosie Odette magic.