Zoom Green Tourmaline Buddha's Chant Pendant Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery
Zoom Green Tourmaline Buddha's Chant Pendant Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery
Zoom Green Tourmaline Buddha's Chant Pendant Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery

Green Tourmaline Buddha's Chant Pendant


Green Tourmaline Buddha Pendant
This exquisite pendant features a stunning 60 - carat Green Tourmaline crystal, sourced from the mines in Brazil. Set in 18-carat rose gold, it is adorned with ruby, emerald and diamond Sanskrit. NMRK stands for Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. It is the name of the Buddha. On the back, the lotus is adorned with diamonds. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the most powerful chant to summon up your greatest potential. The lotus, represents the lotus 'blooming' in the muddy swamp. We need the mud, in order to bloom. No mud, no lotus. 


60 carat green tourmaline
Diamond Sanskrit
18 carat rose gold

Please allow a minimum of 6 weeks for stone sourcing plus production time.
Available with different gemstones. Prices may vary. Please email me for further details.

Limited Edition Philosophy
Every year, I embark on global treasure hunts for precious stones, which inspire my annual collection. The gemstones call to me, and each design emerges from these unique finds.

What I discover on one journey may never be found again - each piece is truly one-of-a-kind, crafted for You And Only You

Green Tourmaline
This pendant is a talisman representing what you stand for, marrying the frequencies of the Green Tourmaline, Diamonds, Emerald and Rubies. The crystal features six facets at the bottom and three at the top, totalling nine. The number 369 represents a powerful trinity, ideal for manifestation.

The Emerald Pendant embodies love, romance, and joy, while also promoting cleansing, intuition, and clairvoyance. This exquisite stone fosters faith and serenity, enhancing intelligence and clear vision, and aiding in truth, memory, and communication. Renowned for its physical and emotional healing properties, the emerald resonates deeply within, offering a powerful connection to the heart and spirit.

Ruby is grounding and resonates with the heart chakra as well as the root chakra, connecting deeply with your Earth Star. It enhances your perception of sacred places, making you more attuned to your environment. Rubies foster creativity and financial flow, rooting you firmly to the Earth.

The diamond acts as your North Star, igniting your entire Merkabah - the protective force field and light body. The combination of diamonds and rubies facilitates the shedding of darkness as we transform from Homo sapien to Homo luminous, illuminating your true path and clarity in life.

Sanskrit embodies frequency itself, echoing through the ages and connecting with divine vibrations.

Rose Gold
Rose gold, with its copper content, enhances conductivity. Your heart, the largest electrical system in the body, generates an electromagnetic field 5,000 times stronger than the brain, making it a powerful quantum healing element.

Green Tourmaline Buddha's Chant Pendant Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery

Green Tourmaline Buddha's Chant Pendant
