Zoom Grey Star Sapphire Ring - King of Crowns Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery
Zoom Rose Gold King of Crowns Grey Star Sapphire Ring Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery
Zoom Rose Gold King of Crowns Grey Star Sapphire Ring Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery

Grey Star Sapphire Ring


The King of Crowns Ring
The King of Crowns ring displays a beautiful silk, grey star sapphire in a crown of rose gold, shimmering her six-ray star across the surface of the gem. I personally source each grey star sapphire on my treasure hunts making this a limited edition ring. 

18 carat rose gold 
Please allow minimum 6 weeks for delivery. 
Each star sapphire is a different size and carat weight, prices may vary. 
Please email me for more details.

Regal Philosophy 
Royalty adorned themselves with jewels for their protective healing powers and as a display of their worthiness and power. Transform your story, embrace your authentic self, and shine brightly. Your crown is waiting. 

Grey Star Sapphire
Chakras - Heart Chakra
Birthstone - September (blue Sapphire)
Zodiac - Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius

Sapphire Healing
Creative expression. Intuition. Meditation. Wisdom. Optimism, Generosity. Independence, Balance. Divinity. Spiritual development.

Sapphire is a 45th anniversary gemstone

Grey Star Sapphire Ring - King of Crowns Ring Rosie Odette Jewellery

Grey Star Sapphire Ring
